How to relax and unplug during this pandemic
As everything moves online, burning out has become a threat
By Karthika Thomas
Counsellor/ Yoga Instructor, Mind For Life
COVID-19 has become a rather common term in the present-day scenario. Lockdowns and social distancing rules are increasingly being accepted as the “New Normal” around the world. Social media and virtual platforms are rapidly gaining popularity among people, especially, among adolescents. With a pause button pressed on many social events and gatherings, teenagers or adolescents are finding alternative ways to connect with their peers. Organising and attending virtual parties and Facetime hangouts see high school children glued to their phones and laptops more often than one could imagine. While finding alternate ways to embrace one’s social life is important, one should also be reminded to pay attention to one’s physical and mental wellbeing by striking a balance between them. With classes and lectures moving online, teenagers or adolescents have been exposed to technology for the major part of their day.
It is vital to take a break, relax and unplug from technology in order to save oneself from burnout.
Several activities or things that may help adolescents to relax and unplug in this pandemic are
Take a break and spend 30- 60 minutes outside (maintaining social distance), away from any technology
Go for a long walk in the park or around the block and connect with the natural environment while keeping up with social distancing rules.
Eat healthy and avoid junk food while binge watching Netflix or Amazon Prime series.
Get a good amount of sleep and avoid using phones, tablets or laptops 30 to 45 minutes before going to bed for quality sleep.
Spend quality time reconnecting with family members over breakfast, lunch and/or dinner.
Connect with family via outdoor or indoor fun activities like board games, nerf gun fights, Pictionary, Monopoly, etc
Try to schedule the day in a way that separates work/school time and family/fun time.
These activities not only give a break from the virtual world but also helps in reconnecting with oneself and family. Unplugging in such ways will prove to be effective or beneficial in the physical and mental health and well-being of adolescents.
So take some time to unplug, relax & destress!
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