Simple yoga exercises that fit into your daily routine to uplift your mood and promote a healthy lifestyle
This year, the COVID-19 pandemic has taken its toll on our physical and psychological health and adversely affected our overall wellbeing. It has also greatly impacted people around the globe on a social, financial and environmental level. People have tended to feel more isolated or trapped, bored, stressed and anxious due to the uncertainty in the present and about the future. Severe financial constraints and deeply impacted social life, are all common topics that have been in the spotlight during this pandemic period.
There are so many blog posts, tutorials, self-help, community pages and websites at everyone’s fingertips that promote helpful tips to cope with COVID-19. Many of them talk about having a routine in your daily life that can improve mental health caused by increased isolation from others.
Fitness is among the most effective activities that can fit into your daily routine for holistic, healthy living. Keeping the body fit with exercises and healthy eating habits has proven to be effective in maintaining a healthy mind and body. Online social platforms have a number of tutorials and online classes in different types of fitness exercises that people can do in the comfort of their own home.
Yoga is an ancient Indian traditional form of physical and mental exercise that helps in connecting the body with the mind and promotes flexibility, strength, balance, and a relaxed mind. The beauty of Yoga is that it can be practiced anywhere as all you require is a little space and a yoga mat. Benefits of Yoga are listed and spoken about by countless people around the world.
Here are some Yoga asanas (poses) that you can do at home to uplift your mood to feel more positive and energised if you feel isolated living alone:
Marjariasana – Cat/cow pose
- Begin with coming to a ‘tabletop’ position with knees hip distance apart and palms exactly below shoulders.
- Inhale push your stomach down towards the floor, arch your back and look up.
- Exhale as you look at your navel, round your back and push it towards the ceiling or the sky.
- Repeat each set 5 times and ensure that you follow the breathing pattern.
- Once you complete the set, come back to the ‘ tabletop’ position and breathe normally.
Vrikshasana- Tree pose
- Begin with standing in samasthithi (stand straight with feet together and hands by the sides of your body)
- Lift your right leg up and place the sole of the foot on the left thigh with toes facing the floor.
- Once you gain balance, bring your palms in front of your heart chakra and gently push the palms up above your head, straighten your elbows.
- Hold the position for 10 deep long breaths and focus entirely on your breathing cycle to balance.
- Repeat the same steps on the left side.
Ardha Halasana– Half Plough pose
- Begin with lying down on your back with feet stretched out forward.
- Palms by the sides of your body.
- Inhale and lift your legs up 90 degrees, with toes pointed towards you.
- Ensure that your back is straight on the floor
- Stay in this position for 10 deep long breaths and gently release by bringing the feet back on the floor
- Repeat the set 3 times.
Balasana- Child’s resting pose
- Begin with sitting in Vajrasana (Thunderbolt pose)
- Exhale and bend your upper body forward with arms stretched out forward.
- Pelvis is resting on your heels and your forehead is pushed towards the floor.
- Take 5 to 10 deep long breaths as you hold the position. •
- Gently come back up and sit in vajrasana.
Shavasana- Corpse pose
- Lie down on your back with legs stretched out forward
- Place your hands by the sides of your body with palms facing up
- Close your eyes and take deep long breaths in and exhale.
- Relax your mind, relax your body and focus entirely on your breathing.
- Stay in this restorative position for 1 to 2 minutes
- Once done, gently move your toes, move your fingers and move your head from side to side.
- Turn your entire body towards the right side, take support and come up and sit.
By incorporating these simple yoga exercises daily, it will help you feel more positive and relaxed and boost your mental and physical health and general wellbeing!.