Do you feel flustered about everything that is happening in 2020? Do you wonder if you will ever be happy during these uncertain times? Do you wish for all your negative thoughts to go away and make way to an optimistic future?
Everyone is entitled to be happy. So, what if there is a pandemic and uncertainty surrounding us. Staying positive and having an optimistic outlook towards the present and the future will help you stay away from negativity and difficult emotions that can affect your health and daily activities.
So how can we increase positive thought flow within us?
- Increased immunity
- Increase in energy levels
- Improved blood circulation
- Increased concentration
- Enhanced positivity or positive outlook

- Pranam asana (Palms faced in front of the heart chakra. Inhale and exhale).
- Hasta Utthanasansa (Lift arms up, inhale and bend back as much as possible)
- Padahastha asana (exhale, bend forward from pelvis and touch the floor with palms, knees are straight and forehead pushed towards the knees)

- Ashva Sanchalan asana (hold your breath and bring knees down, chest down with shoulder touching the floor, elbows towards the body, and chin does not touch the floor)
- Padahastha asana (exhale, bend forward from pelvis and touch the floor with palms, knees are straight and forehead pushed towards the knees)

- Ashtanga pranam asana (Downward dog, exhale and push pelvis towards the ceiling, heels touching the floor, shoulders pushed towards the floor while the back is straight)
- Bhujangasana (Inhale, bend back and look up with navel, pelvis, and legs on the floor)

- Adhomukhaswanasana (Downward dog, exhale and push pelvis towards the ceiling, heels touching the floor, shoulders pushed towards the floor while the back is straight
- Ashva Sanchalan asana (Take right forward in between your palms, back knee down and toe out. Palms fully on the floor, inhale and look up)
- Padahastha asana (exhale, bring the left leg forward, full palms touching the floor, knees are straight and forehead pushed towards the knees)
- Hasta Utthanasansa (Lift arms up, inhale and bend back as much as possible
- Pranam asana (Palms faced in front of the heart chakra. Inhale and exhale).

Start a regular yoga practice today to promote a healthier body
and mind that will surely improve your quality of life!
Woodyard, C. (2011). Exploring the therapeutic effects of yoga and its ability to increase quality of life. International Journal of Yoga, 4(2), 49.
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